
Showing posts from November, 2023

Sugoi Todo - A simple ToDo app

A simple ToDo app Sugoi ToDo  has been released (Android only for now). In this post, I'll give a brief introduction of this app. Motivation This app is slightly inspired by Agile Software Development . Estimating tasks relatively and quickly, and performing tasks and monitoring the status by various visualization tools. This app may best fit for individual developers. But it is just a kind of ToDo app and it can also be used in daily life. Basic Usage When the app is started, the default project "Tasks" is opened. It is suitable for storing miscellaneous tasks. The basic usage is the same as other ToDo apps. Entering Task Name, Due Date, etc. and tap the upward button to add tasks. And completing tasks by tapping check box. A characteristic field would be "Task Point". It allows you to specify relative task weight (as similar to "Story Point" in Agile). This value will be used for visualization with various charts. Creating a Project Project is suitab